
TimeCode FREE TEST Version


TIMESTAMPS and CHAPTER MARKERS for your YouTube and Microsoft Stream VIDEOS using your Camtasia project file.
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Brand: Clovis Research

TimeCode Software:

If you use Camtasia to create VIDEOS for Microsoft Stream or YouTube then you can use the TIMECODE application to generate a text list of TIMECODES, TIMESTAMPS, or CHAPTER MARKERS with descriptions from your Camtasia project file – to quickly and easily place into your Microsoft Stream or YouTube VIDEO descriptions – to instantly create a linked list of timecode’s for your videos within those platforms.

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Here is a SHORT and QUICK VIDEO showing how EASY it is to use TimeCode to create TIMESTAMPS and CHAPTER MARKERS for your YouTube and Microsoft Stream VIDEOS using your Camtasia project file

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Want to Learn even more? Here’s a playlist of expert VIDEOS explaining the power of using VIDEO chapters in YouTube VIDEOS:

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